Get a taste of Italy with exposure to history and culture peppered with lively personal anecdotes. In this interactive course taught by a native Italian speaker, students will learn essential Italian terms and phrases to assist with various scenarios; from simple introductions and greetings, to expressions for dining out, shopping, asking directions, socializing, and more. Learn easy to use phonetics to speak like a native. All supplies included. No class on 4/3. Register by 2/29.
Overall Spots Available: 10
Online Spots: 10
In Person Spots: 10
Resident Spots: 10
Non-Resident Spots: 10
Activity Dates, Days, Times:
Start Date: Wed, 03/06/2024
End Date: Wed, 04/17/2024
Days/Times: Wed 06:30 PM - 08:00 PM
Number Of Sessions:
Class will not meet on: